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Who are we

The Women Empowerment Club is a platform made up of members of the Esade community who contribute or want to contribute to gender equity and women’s empowerment in companies and organizations.

What do we do

We organize gatherings with transformational leaders in equality issues, networking sessions, and exchanges of good practices, and we share contents of interest. We promote participation to foster both personal growth and organizational development. We work with Esade, other Esade Alumni clubs, and other organizations.


Junta Directiva

Jerome Trochet

Vicepresident EDIEF 92/EMBA 2009

Luis Esteban

Vocal Programa para Consejeros MAD 21-22

María Álvarez Termiño

Vocal Proyecto Promociona 2019-2020

Eugenia Bieto

Presidenta Lic&Master 73 / Ph.D. in Manag. Sciences 08