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Warning: Array to string conversion in __TwigTemplate_5420a21aabfe64b1856b94b90b57ebc0->doDisplay() (line 468 of /var/www/ealumni/shared/web/sites/default/files/php/twig/67ab5e60b7d69_node--event--full.html.tw_vMJXt9pu0OMfQlHemvlCUtgV-/g1HqPVw9k1jAtdtGZ_yb8kXGl4JiQpCgjgLl3Rs-mj0.php).

ESADE Networking Dinner in Seoul


The ESADE Alumni Seoul Chapter is pleased to invite you to next ESADE alumni meeting!

If you would like to attend the dinner, you need to register or send me an email at ariadna.vilalta@esade.edu.

We hope you can join!