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At Esade Alumni, we are dedicated to strengthening our social commitment, facilitating the sharing of value within the community, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, and fostering debate on the great challenges we face. A unique set of values informs our practice of responsible leadership and our commitment to the development of our organisations and society.

More than 73,000 alumni across the globe share a common identity, motivations and principles: a tireless will to build, an open-minded vision, and a vital need to set new goals every day in order to grow and advance responsibly and sustainably.

We work together to keep growing and enhance our positive impact on society.



Proud To Be Esade Alumni
Did you know that Esade Alumni has been declared a public utility association? 
Thanks to this, if you pay taxes in Spain, you can deduct up to 80% of your membership fee. Read more here


How can you benefit from belonging to a vibrant, responsible and committed community of professionals?



Growing and furthering your development as a responsible leader

Within our community, we have a team and resources specifically dedicated to providing the tools you need to orient your career towards achieving your professional goals.


Learning and improving through knowledge

We rely on the network to keep abreast of new developments. We know that staying up to date is a key factor for today’s professionals. To keep our Esade Alumni community well informed, the doors of our seminars, classes and events are always open.


Connecting and adding value and impact through networking

We are connected by a common purpose that spans the globe. Together we form an open and active network that supports its members, creates opportunities and fosters shared experiences that enhance the relational value of the community. Lean on the network, get in touch with other alumni and make the most of this community.


Contributing and adding value to the community

However you decide to get involved in our groups and projects – as a member of a club or chapter, as a participant in a social project, or as an investor, mentor or entrepreneur – you are contributing to the development of our community as a whole, generating knowledge and enriching all members.


Making an impact and leaving your mark on society 

Our common goal is to encourage the community to have a positive impact on society and contribute to business progress, with the aim of achieving a fairer, more responsible, more sustainable and more innovative society.

1. More than 73,000 alumni are connected by a common purpose that spans the globe

We build our network and create new synergies. Through our campuses, clubs and chapters, we have a presence on every continent across the world.


Regional and Interest Clubs

Through their activities, our clubs help to create knowledge, update members’ skills, and generate debate and activity through thematic, sector-specific and geographical groupings in different parts of Spain.



Esade Alumni organises knowledge updates, social events and networking sessions all over the world, with the aim of providing value for alumni living outside of Spain.

2. Esade’s foundational values are in our DNA.

A tireless will to build, an open-minded vision, and a vital need to set new goals every day in order to grow and advance responsibly and sustainably.

3. Together to create a more prosperous and just society.

Together we create a fairer and more prosperous society


Entrepreneurial projects

Have been guided in their development and financing to achieve their goals during the 2022-2024 academic year.


Millons d'euros

Have been invested in 25 projects by the Esade BAN network in 2023 to boost innovation and entrepreneurial talent.



Have actively participated in our projects over the years.


Consulting hours

Accumulated by our Alumni, free to the social sector.


Learn more about our impactuf results


Together, as a community, we can contribute, expand our footprint and consolidate our purpose to build a fairer and more sustainable society. Ready to get involved?

See membership fees here