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Introducing Esade Alumni Badges – online certificates of your participation in our community!

Share your badges on LinkedIn to let your contacts know about your achievements.


Your involvement in our community is key. Thanks to people like you, Esade Alumni is a connected community that contributes to progress and has a positive impact on society. We encourage you to share the recognition you deserve via LinkedIn by posting your Esade Alumni Badges, which serve as an online certificates of your participation in the community. 


You can find it on your profile, under the “Badges” section. There you will see all of your current recognitions. We will contact you when a recognition is assigned to you. 


On your badge, you will see the “share” option. 

There are two ways to share a badge: 

Share to your news feed:

  • Click on “share to feed”. 
  • There you can choose to share the badge in a post or in a private message. 
  • Whichever option you choose, you can edit the message before posting. 

Add to profile:

  • Click on “add to profile”. 
  • An “Add License or Certification” screen will open and you will see the default information: name, issuing company, date and URL of the credential. If everything is correct, click on “Save”. 
  • Your achievement will be added to your profile, under the “Licenses and Certifications” section, between “Education” and “Knowledge and Skills”.

In addition, all of your badges will be visible in the Esade Alumni directory. If you don’t want to show your badges, you can always hide them on your profile (go to “Settings” > “Hide Badges”). 


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The following types of badges are currently available for sharing: 

  • Esade Alumni Social volunteers 
  • Cross-sectional Club Board Members
  • Coming soon: Regional Club Board Members
  • Coming soon: International Chapter Board Members