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Afterwork in Budapest with ESADE Alumni and ESADE representatives


November 02 OF 2017 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM

The ESADE Alumni Hungary Chapter informs you that Iñaki Ocaña (Lic&MBA 06 / DARH 12), director of ESADE Alumni’s International Area, Yulia Koroleva, Associate Director of Admissions of Full Time MBA & MSc programmes and Karinna Rubio, Associate Director of Careers Team will be visiting Budapest to give an information session about ESADE and ESADE Alumni on November 2nd at 7pm at Riso Restaurante.

The board of your chapter invites you to come along for a few drinks with them after work together with your ESADE colleagues.

Yulia Koroleva and Karinna Rubio will tell you about the ESADE strategy for Hungary and Iñaki Ocaña (Lic&MBA 06 / DARH 12) will provide full details about the ESADE Alumni international challenges and will also explain the main services for its members.

This is a great chance to get to know each other and explore new business opportunities whilst having a fantastic time together.

Please register and forward this invitation to all the former ESADE students you know in Budapest, and to your business contacts and partners too.

We hope to see you there!

For further information: