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ESADE Alumni Real Estate Club. 19th Annual Conference

June 12 OF 2018 from 09:00 AM to 11:30 AM

The ESADE Alumni Real Estate Club is pleased to invite you to their 19th annual conference which will address one of today’s major issues: the emergence of large players in Spain’s residential rental market.

An overview of this market in Spain will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Spanish and international experts enabling a comparison of the Spanish market with other European countries where it is not uncommon for big companies in the rental sector to be listed.



09.00  Overview of the residential market in Spain
           Josep Oliver, chair of applied economics, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)

9.45  Panel discussion
         Bernando Lazcano, Director of Corporate and Investment Banking, Citigroup Global Markets
         Susanne Eickermann-Riepe, Partner Financial Service Consulting and German Real
         Estate Leader, PwC Germany (talk to be given in English) 
         Esther Escapa, Head of Acquisitions & Developments Iberica, AXA Real
         Estate Investment Managers Ibérica S.A.
         Eduard Mendiluce (MBA 97), Anticipa Real Estate CEO, and Aliseda Inmobiliaria CEO

         Chaired by
         Enrique Martínez (MBA 93), President of the ESADE Alumni Real Estate Club

11.00  Closing comments
           Enrique Martínez (MBA 93), President, ESADE Alumni Real Estate Club
11.10  Networking breakfast


Cancellations or confirmations will be not accepted within 48 hours prior to the event
Members are welcome to bring a guest

See you there!

For further details:


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