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Networking dinner in Taipei


November 07 OF 2017 from 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM

The ESADE Alumni Taiwan Chapter would like to inform you that Mary Granger (Lic&MBA 90), Regional Director of ESADE in Asia, will be in the ESADE fair in Taipei, therefore your chapter board would like to invite you for a networking dinner with her on Tuesday, November 7th at 10pm.

Venue: 八條老宅麻辣鍋
Address: 10491台北市中山區林森北路133巷3號
Google Map
Reservation under the name of Mr. Yang
Contact: Zac +886987007019

You can also help Mary with the recruitment fair if you would like to. Please contact her for more details at

Come and take this chance to catch up with fellow chapter members and welcome new ones who have recently landed in Taiwan.

Free event

Hope to see you there!