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Are you ready to further your knowledge?

Exclusive new learning opportunities for members!  

Get up-to-date on the latest developments in your field with these asynchronous online courses. Take them whenever you want!

Discover everything available to you: 


Remember that these courses are also available online:

Omnichannel & E-commerce Strategies

You’ll learn how to design an omnichannel strategic plan with a special focus on e-commerce and the digitalization of brick-and-mortar points of sale.

Legal Tech

This course will explain what Legal Tech is and how to deal with the change that is taking place in the legal sector.

Remote People Leadership and Team Management

This course covers the reasons behind this kind of leadership and its underpinnings and broadly surveys the essential technical tips and what to do differently to manage your team remotely.

eSports for Marketing Strategies "Get in the Real Game"

Introduction to eSports, analysis of its audience, marketing strategy, marketing analysis  and activation, eSports compliance and more.


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