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Who are we

The ESADE Alumni Business Innovation & Technologies Club is a meeting place for sharing knowledge, experiences and outlooks to help us accelerate this transformation in our companies. Technological innovations are driving a digital revolution that is causing hugely disruptive transformations in business and society.

What do we do

Digitisation is completely transversal so club workshops, presentations and other activities will be based not only on technologies, but also on their application to other functional areas. All ESADE alumni are invited to join us on this exciting journey.

Junta Directiva

Eduard Menal

Vocal LIC&MBA 12, EMDB 12, DMD 10

Sonia Pacheco

Vicepresident EMDB 14

Roberto Cáceres

Board member EDDB 20 / EMDB 22

Sonia Pacheco

Vicepresident EMDB 14