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Who are we

The ESADE Alumni Real Estate Club is the meeting place for ESADE alumni with interests in the real estate sector. Because their interests are so very diverse, club members hail from different sectors of the economy besides real estate, such as finance, public administrations, the environment, construction ...

What do we do

Our main aim is to become a meeting point and, above all, a forum for training, discussion and analysis of all things related to real estate and the management of real estate assets in the broadest sense of the term.


Junta Directiva

Alex Mumbrú

Vocal Lic&MBA 10

Jordi Argemí

Vocal LIC&MBA08

Carmina Ganyet

President VV 03

Rafael Arcas

Board Member CG 97 / LIC&MBA 15

José Antonio Alarcón

Vocal MBA 13

Marta Carrió

Vocal Lic&MBA 08

Jordi Fabregat

Academic Sponsor Lic&MBA 80 / CG 91 / Phd 05