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Since October 2023, when Esade Alumni was declared a Public Utility Association, you are able to deduct your fee in your annual tax return. The following are the deductions applicable to the fees paid after 1 January 2024, when Royal Decree-Law 6/2023, dated December 19, 2023, entered into force, amending Law 49/2002, dated December 23, 2002, on the tax system of nonprofit organizations and tax incentives for patronage.

Deduct your fee:

Up to 250 euros


Others starting at 250 euros
After the third yearBefore the third year

Up to:


Up to:









You can deduct up to 80% of all your donations, up to €250. If you surpass this amount, with the remainder you can deduct:
- Up to 45%, if you have donated an amount equal to or higher than the previous year in the 2 previous fiscal years
- Up to 40% in all other cases.


For example, if your annual fee for Esade Alumni is €236, your deduction will be 80% as long as you have made no other donations. ------- Therefore, membership will only cost you 48 euros.


  • This deduction has a taxable base limit of 10%
  • These deductions can vary depending on the autonomous community.
  • If you are an individual or a legal entity not residing in Spain and you earn income in our country, you also have a tax benefit for the amount of your donations. Check it out here (Art.21).


Any questions? Write us:

Whatsapp / / +34 93 553 02 17