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Esade Alumni, declared public utility association

This recognition clearly reaffirms our shared mission: the drive to work towards a fairer and more sustainable society.

Esade Alumni has been declared a Public Utility Association for its proven positive track record both in our professional environment and in society in general.

As a community, we identify with the practice of leadership oriented to promote and improve the wellbeing of people, organizations and society in general.This leadership seeks to have a positive impact on our environment by promoting ethical values, social responsibility, and sustainability in our actions and decisions. This important mission defines us as a community and will be our legacy for subsequent generations.

To be accredited by the government as a Public Utility Association, numerous actions, both individual and collective, undertaken by Esade Alumni Association were evaluated. These activities are associated with the professional and personal development of the members of our community, the transfer of knowledge and promotion of the social debate, support for entrepreneurship as well as the creation of new businesses, and partnering with third-sector organizations.

We wanted to express our congratulations and thanks to all the members of Esade Alumni, especially those whose day-to-day work contributed to this milestone, which is the outcome of our community’s pooled enthusiasm and effort. We appreciate those who contribute from the boards of the clubs by organizing activities and promoting the creation of mutual value among alumni; entrepreneurs and investors for driving the economy and fostering job creation; and volunteers who participate in social projects, generously offering their experience and talent to third-sector organizations and social companies to promote their cause. We would also like to express our appreciation for the Esade academic community,  who share their knowledge and support us in lifelong learning, as well as the speakers who have shared their professional experience as the foundation of social debate. 

In short, thanks to ALL of you who make this community great and who are committed to the values that drive and strengthen it.

More information here
