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Esade Alumni launches the Badges project to recognize the community’s participation and contributions

Esade Alumni believes that each member’s participation is essential in order to be a connected community that contributes to progress and has a positive impact on society.

Thanks to the cooperative spirit of its more than 72,000 alumni, Esade Alumni is a unique community capable of promoting advances in society and organizations. But the only reason these initiatives have an impact is the people who get involved in them.

The Association views each member’s participation as critical because it is the best way to remain a connected community that contributes to progress and has a positive impact on society. This is why it has launched the Esade Alumni Badges project, a digital certificate that recognizes alumni’s active participation in the Association’s activities.

The more alumni join our initiatives, the more we will grow in our mission of building a fairer and more sustainable society together by cooperating and contributing mutual value.

This is why Esade Alumni Badges not only express appreciation for our alumni’s contributions but also showcase their participation and work with boards of directors, volunteer opportunities, knowledge activities, social debates, networking and more… all aimed at furthering our network and society.

Acting and activating ourselves

By now, many organizations work with recognition programs that successfully add value, and Esade Alumni is joining the bandwagon to showcase our alumni. Sharing is how we have managed to become the vast community that we are today, and the Esade Alumni Badge exemplifies not only these contributions but also the pride of belonging to an active, committed community.

The Badge project is currently in its initial development phase. Thus far, Badges have been awarded to the alumni participating in Giving-Back Consultants and the members of the Boards of Directors of the Interest Clubs and Esade Alumni. However, they will soon spread to other areas like the Boards of Directors of the Regional Clubs and International Chapters in order to meet the community’s interest. The goal is to continue expanding this recognition to more participants and groups.

How does it work?

Esade Alumni gets in touch with alumni when they are awarded a Badge, which they can find in their profile under the “Badges” section. In that same section, they also have the ability to “share” this well-deserved recognition.

Many alumni have already begun to share their Badges proudly on LinkedIn, a sign of the satisfaction that comes with earning one. After all, an Esade Alumni Badge not only speaks volumes about our values but also encourages more people to join our mission.

There are two ways to share your Badge:

- Share it in either a post in your newsfeed or a private message.

- Share it in your profile, where you can add your Badge in the “Licenses and Certifications” section, between “Education” and “Knowledge and Skills.”

Plus, all Badges appear in the Esade Alumni Directory. They can be hidden on your profile should you prefer not to share them.

If you’ve already received a Badge, share it!