During the meeting, those present assessed the association’s achievements, defined its strategic priorities and approved new fees. Overview of activities during the 2023-2024 year

The Esade Alumni General Meeting, chaired by Daniel Sanchez (Lic&MBA ‘92), chairman of the association, was attended by Patricia Valentí (MBA ‘02 / Promociona ‘17), director of Esade Alumni; Isabel Ferrer (Lic&MBA ‘95), general secretary of the Board of Directors, and David Cerqueda (Lic&MBA ‘98), treasurer.
Overview of activities during the 2023-2024 year
Patricia Valentí began the meeting by thanking the team and the board of directors for their efforts and help in achieving all their goals. She emphasized particularly the ventures aimed at boosting international growth and forging closer links with the association’s young members, thus updating its value proposal.
She then detailed the main achievements of the 2023-2024 year, highlighting the efforts made by transversal clubs to connect with young people through activities such as the “Let’s Match” students’ gathering for sharing experiences and knowledge, and enabling young people to join boards of directors. All this is in addition to the first Young Annual Event, the Final Project Recognitions, the Engagement Plan, the Associates’ program and the Esade Alumni Young Evenings to improve participation and interest amongst the more than 21,000 alumni under 30 years of age. She also mentioned the association’s efforts on the international scene, through its 74 international chapters, to continue building its community with such outstanding events as the Annual Conferences in Dubai and Miami, the 155% increase in sessions given by Esade teaching staff, and the 264 activities organized around the globe.
Patricia Valentí also underlined the importance of guidance to enable the professional and personal advancement of alumni thanks to the mentoring and coaching programs provided by Esade Alumni Careers and also the targeted mentoring programs (Board Members, UK Chapter, Finance Club, PMD and FT MBA). In the realm of entrepreneurship, she mentioned the 453 projects given consideration, including 96 that also received guidance from Esade BAN (including 50% making a social impact) with funding of €1.4 million raised by this network of 232 investors. Noteworthy impact ventures and projects conducted by Alumni Social include 45 national and international pro bono advisory sessions carried out by more than 500 volunteers, in addition to the Hackathon Solidario, the DoGood app and the Together Project which were, for yet another year, a resounding success. “Enabling Esade students to join the giving-back consultancy was a challenge that has had very good results, and similarly the new platform for social innovation in developing countries”, she explained.

Daniel Sánchez emphasized the need to bolster engagement with young members, raise awareness of Esade Alumni on the international scene, boost links with Esade and increase fundraising for scholarships. He also mentioned several goals for the 2024-2025 year: “make people aware of the tax benefits arising from us being an entity of public interest in accordance with Law 49/2002”, in other words, 40%-80% of the membership fees of national members will be tax deductible in their next Spanish tax return.
Financial balance
Esade Alumni ended the 2023-2024 academic year, i.e. September 01, 2023, to August 31, 2024, with a surplus of €7,590 (broken down by items into 76% from fees and 24% from operating income), and an adjustment of outlay and revenue to enable a balanced budget. The association’s revenue grew by 1%, and likewise its outlay.
As regards the revenue and outlay budget for the 2024-2025 financial year, David Cerqueda explained that it will remain very similar and aim to end with balanced revenue and outlay.
This was followed by the presentation of a new membership proposal designed to cater for members’ needs and changing circumstances including such factors as the traits of new young alumni, the recent recognition of the association as being of public interest, and the need to simplify the current model. The new proposal establishes two membership fees: €250 for alumni from Catalonia, Madrid and Valencia, and €150 for the rest, plus a large discount during the first three years of membership for young members.
After approving the annual report, accounts and the management of the Board of Directors in 2023-2024, and also the 2024-2025 budgets, the board of directors was partly renewed in accordance with articles 11 and 12 of the by-laws.
The presentations were followed by questions and answers, and the meeting brought to a close.

Partial renewal of the Board of Directors
Elena Carrera (Lic&MBA 97)
Elena Carrera is the Managing Director of Sustainability and Efficiency at Banc Sabadell, where she focuses on managing initiatives to incorporate ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria into the bank’s corporate strategy. Under her leadership, Banc Sabadell has made progress in its commitment to sustainability, particularly as regards its participation in decarbonization and energy optimization projects, in addition to being acknowledged as one of the world’s most sustainable companies. Likewise, as part of her efficiency responsibilities, she focuses on optimizing business growth, promoting structural optimization and digitalization programs, whilst managing the bank’s procurement and suppliers. Elena holds an MBA from Columbia University.
David Cerqueda (Lic&MBA 98)
David Cerqueda Solé, re-elected, is an executive with an extensive track record in finance. He is currently the general director of the AFA (Andorra Financial Authority), having previously been a member of its board of directors. He has held senior positions at Goldman Sachs and BNP Paribas in London and Paris, and was also in charge of new business and digital strategy at the Godó Group in Barcelona. David has been a member of the Esade Alumni Board since the 2020 General Meeting.
Josep Benito (Lic&MBA 92)
Josep Benito is the CEO of SEIDOR, a tech consultancy present in 45 countries that employs 10,000 professionals. Under his leadership, SEIDOR has grown thanks to a strategy combining organic growth, corporate buyouts and strategic alliances with tech giants such as SAP, Salesforce, IBM and Microsoft. He has consolidated a comprehensive portfolio of ERP, Cloud, CX, AI and cybersecurity solutions. Benito is committed to “humanizing technology”, and regards technology as a springboard for the positive transformation of organizations and society. The firm’s global position was strengthened recently when Carlyle became a shareholder. A medal-winner at the Barcelona Olympics of 1992, Benito continues to apply the values of discipline and teamwork to his business management.