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Inspiration and future: Third year of talent in the Esade Alumni x Yamaha Final Project Recognitions

This award recognizes the best final projects of students in the BBA and GBD programs in the 2024 graduating class.
Final Project Recognitions


The third edition of the Esade Alumni x Yamaha Final Project Recognitions was held with resounding success on February 26, 2025. This event recognizes the best final projects of students from the 2024 graduating class in the Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) and the Double Degree in Business Management and Law (GBD).

The main purpose of the event, which is sponsored by Yamaha, a company committed to innovation and talent, was to spotlight the most outstanding projects, foster networking among the Esade Alumni community, and share the topics that are prompting the interest of the Young group.

Patricia Valentí (MBA 02 / Promociona 17), director of Esade Alumni, welcomed attendees to the event and stressed the importance of this initiative to connect with young talent and encourage them to participate in the alumni network: “I am particularly excited to continue this initiative that connects us with young people, talent, and knowledge. It’s very important for young people to participate in the alumni network,” she said.


Innovative projects with a social impact

The winning projects were chosen after the director of each program made a shortlist, which was followed by an evaluation by the alumni on the Boards of the Interest Clubs and the Esade Alumni direction. The evaluation criteria included the degree of innovation, the positive impact on society, and the projects’ practical application.

Final Project Recognitions

The finalists presented their projects at the event, showing Esade students’ high level of creativity and social commitment:

  • Alberto Jiménez (BBA 24), Cristina Ruiz (BBA 24), and Inés Serra (BBA 24) presented a business model for an online mental health platform called “Sherpath”
  • Víctor Uclés (GBD 24) presented a sustainable agriculture solution that combines main crops with personalized plant cover in “Regenlife”
  • Blanca Pérez (GBD 24) presented her thesis entitled "Building Digital Bridges for the Digital Empowerment of Women Refugees,” which ended up being an in-company project (conducted in HP and ADP), with plans to continue it.

In addition to the finalist projects, Cáritas Diocesana of Barcelona also awarded an honorary distinction to Jorge Andreu Elorduy (GBD 24) for his thesis entitled “Legal Analysis of the Sublease of Rooms for Use as Housing for Foreigners with Irregular Legal Status in Spain,” and a special mention for Adèle Anne Claudy Zoaeter (BBA 24) for her study “Uncovering the Impact of Limited Digital Literacy on Seniors’ Access to Online Banking Methods in France: A Social Perspective.” Marta Plujà, an Awareness, Partners, and Donors Officer at Cáritas, highlighted the social perspective and impact of all the projects submitted and thanked Esade for creating spaces for social innovation and the development of talented young people who are aware of issues like social exclusion.

After the audience vote, Blanca Pérez was awarded first prize (a Yamaha Booster Ease eBike); Alberto Jiménez, Cristina Ruiz, and Inés Serra came in second and were awarded a Yamaha experience; and Víctor Uclés was given third prize (a Yamaha experience).

The evening ended with a social cocktail where the participants were able to exchange ideas and make contacts.


The Winners

Blanca Pérez (GBD 24)

Blanca Perez“This recognition is very special because it validates all the effort, dedication, and excitement I’ve invested in the project. Beyond being a personal success, I see it as a chance to give more visibility to the importance of training for vulnerable groups and providing a voice for the current situation of millions of women. I hope that Esade Alumni continues to promote this type of initiative and provide meeting spaces for sharing experiences and generating synergies. I think that the power of the alumni network can help grow projects like this one and take them even further.”


Alberto Jiménez (BBA 24), Cristina Ruiz (BBA 24) and Inés Serra (BBA 24)

Alberto, Cristina e Ines

“This recognition is an honor and major encouragement to keep going. Validating an idea that we have worked on so hard motivates us to continue fighting to improve access to mental health. Plus, it has given us visibility and enabled us to connect with alumni who have shown an interest in our project. Alumni working in companies like Catalana Occidente and Zurich have contacted us, which opens the doors to future partnerships. We hope that the alumni community keeps supporting innovative projects, facilitating connections, and sharing their experience. We would also like to express our gratitude for the opportunity and support we have received and congratulate the other winners.”


Víctor Uclés (GBD 24)

Victor“This recognition will unquestionably push me to keep wanting to develop this project and believe in it even more. I hope that the alumni community always stands by young students who want to innovate and improve the world by supporting them in their business initiatives and projects.”