Un dispositivo médico de I+D Open Hardware, que contribuirá a salvar vidas
El trabajo de innovación de un año, compactado en 15 días gracias al trabajo colaborativo. Un cambio de paradigma para una situación de emergencia sin precedentes.
Así nace OxyGEN, un ventilador de emergencia para la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19 que ya se prepara para su producción a escala.
Un grupo de ingenieros y antiguos alumnos de ESADE integran el equipo de OxyGEN: Ignasi Plaza, Lluis Rovira, Joan Guasch, Noemí Blazquez, José Carlos Norte, Alex Fiestas, Pol Sernine, Marc Watine, Ferran Cáceres (Lic&MBA 12), Eliane Guiu (Lic&MBA 91). Además, detrás del proyecto están empresas, autónomos, particulares, instituciones, asociaciones y la comunidad de makers e ingenieros, sin todos ellos el proyecto no estaría donde está, cada vez más cerca de salvar vidas.
OxyGEN es un proyecto colaborativo para hacer frente al COVID-19 que nace en marzo de 2020. Un grupo de profesionales liderado por la empresa Protofy.xyz, una startup barcelonesa dedicada al desarrollo de prototipos con componentes tecnológicos para medianas y grandes empresas. Juntos se plantearon cómo contribuir en la lucha contra la pandemia. Investigando sobre lo que está ocurriendo en los países más avanzados en la enfermedad identificaron que uno de los problemas críticos era la falta de respiradores automáticos en los hospitales. Así, decidieron enfocarse en desarrollar un dispositivo que automatizara el proceso de ventilación manual de los pacientes con un foco, que se pudiese construir en cualquier parte del mundo.
¿Qué es y para qué sirve? OxyGEN es un dispositivo de emergencia que permite automatizar los dispositivos denominados resucitadores manuales de bolsa tipo Ambú, de manera mecanizada y autónoma, para utilizarlos como soporte a la respiración. Así mismo, permite controlar la frecuencia respiratoria, el volumen corriente y la ratio inspiración/espiración de forma constante y objetiva proporcionando al paciente un soporte que, de otra forma, no tendría. El Ambú es un dispositivo médico muy extendido, de alta disponibilidad tanto en hospitales como en ambulancias. El dispositivo se ha desarrollado con el apoyo de expertos del Hospital Germans Trias y Pujol y Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.
La visión Low cost low tech para poder ser replicada en cualquier parte del mundo y así paliar el problema de escasez de abastecimiento
El objetivo era utilizar tecnología simple disponible en cualquier lugar del mundo. Un limpiaparabrisas, un cable de alimentación de PC y un dimmer LED.
Para encontrar el motor adecuado, por ejemplo, se testaron todos los motores disponibles en un hogar; un motor de minpimer, de microondas, de un taladro, un exprimidor de naranjas y el de un limpiaparabrisas. Después de los test en el taller el motor de limpiaparabrisas resultó ser el mejor porque es capaz de girar lentamente, tiene mucho par (fuerza), una durabilidad certificada de más de 3.000 horas, el equivalente de 24h al día durante 125 días y está altamente disponible. Mientras que los otros están pensados solo para ser usados durante uno minutos de forma intermitente.
"Lo motores disponibles en una casa que se testaron”
"Primer prototypo OxyGEN"
Un dispositivo médico Open Hardware una innovación y cambio de paradigma para una situación de emergencia sin precedentes
Diseñar en open hardware significa que los autores ponen a disposición de todos gratuitamente los planos y software del proyecto. La razón fundamental de esta estrategia de I+D es la rapidez en el desarrollo y la implementación de la solución un elemento crítico para luchar contra la pandemia y ayudar a salvar vidas.
Rapidez desde diferentes perspectivas:
1 - Iteración constante y rápida con los equipos médicos, para responder a la necesidad REAL. Esto ha sido clave para ir rápido, y esto ha sido el motivo de trabajar en fast-prototyiping.
2 - Cada vez que el equipo ha obtenido un prototipo viable ha liberado los planos permitiendo obtener feedbackde todas partes del mundo. Esto acelera de forma vertiginosa el proceso de optimización del prototipo ya que este es construido en otras partes del mundo y así se pueden identificar más rápidamente las mejoras a aportar a las nuevas versiones.
3 - Asegurar que la solución llegará a todos los rincones del mundo, será una solución global.
4 - Genera partners para el proyecto que de otra forma no serían accesibles.
OxyGEN ya dispone de una comunidad de más de 5.500 miembros en más de 54 países; ingenieros, makers y empresas.
"OxyGEN Maker-V5 en pruebas con Ken"
“OxyGEN IP en test clínicos con Ken”
“La implicación de Hospital Clínic i Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol clave en todo el proceso”
¿Cuál es el status actual de proyecto?
Una vez superadas toda la pruebas clínicas y obtenidas las certificaciones IDNEO y AEMPS se iniciará la producción en masa en distintos lugares.
De momento en Cataluña Seat está finalizando la puesta a punto de su línea de producción para iniciar la fabricación a escala.
En Madrid por otro lado, también se está trabajando para poder lanzar su fabricación. A nivel internacional existen proyectos que usan el diseño de OxyGEN en todas partes del mundo en India, Israel, Sudáfrica, Suiza, Nicaragua y EEUU, entre otros. Por ejemplo en EEUU, VirginOrbit, la empresa de Richard Bradson, está utilizando OxyGEN en su desarrollo. Otro ejemplo es Ameniti en Manhattan, NY, que lo está colocando en los hoteles que se han convertido en hospitales en la gran manzana. Ambos están pendientes de realizar las adaptaciones pertinentes para poder obtener la validación de la FDA (Foods and Drugs Administration). Nuestro equipo de ingenieros está en contacto con todos ellos para darles soporte.
¿Quien está detrás del proyecto?
Protofy.xyz es una empresa con sede en Barcelona que ayuda a empresas y departamentos de investigación a desarrollar soluciones tecnológicas y rapid protyping para medianas y grandes empresas. Destaca en la integración de hardware (mecánico, electrónico, etc.) y software juntos. Cuenta con un equipo multidisciplinar liderado por sus fundadores Ignasi Plaza, Lluis Rovira y Joan Guasch. Sus actividades se centran en los campos de generación de ideas, prototipado rápido, pruebas e iteración, producto mínimo viable y consultoría.
*If you would have any problem applying for your Visa, please contact us at esadealumni@esade.edu / +34 93 553 02 17 so we could help you.
Information required by Order ECC/2316/2015: Checking account
CaixaBank is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions envisaged in Royal Decree 16/2011 of 14th October. The guaranteed amount is limited to €100,000 per depositor in each credit institution.
This number indicates the risk of the product, with 1/6 being the lowest risk and 6/6 the highest.
1. In order to enter into an Esade Alumni Platinum Visa card contract with CaixaBank, you must deposit either your salary or professional income (not a combination thereof) in the amount of at least €2,500/month. 2. Approval for a credit card is subject to an analysis of the applicant’s solvency and ability to repay, in accordance with the risk policies of the card-issuing institution. Cards are issued by the hybrid payment institution CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C. E.P., S.A.U., with NIF A-08980153 and registered in the Official Register of Banking Institutions of Spain with code 8776. CaixaBank, S.A., acts as the agent of the card issuer. The system for protecting the funds of customers using payment services chosen by CaixaBank Payments & Consumer is a deposit in a separate account at CaixaBank, S.A. 3. Advertised product: personal loan. French repayment system. Representative example: 3.97% APR calculated for a loan of €15,000. TIN: 3.90%. Term: 72 months. Total amount owed: €16,847.28 (€15,000 capital + €1,847.28 interest). Total cost of the loan: €1,847.28. Monthly instalment: €233.99. There are no opening fees or credit check fees. Approval of the operation is subject to the analysis of the applicant’s solvency and repayment capacity, in accordance with the risk policies of the institution.
DKV Health Insurance
ESADE Alumni and the insurance company DKV Seguros have signed an agreement under which association members and their immediate family (spouses and children) can take out a DKV Integral and DKV Mundisalud policy under more advantageous conditions.
Over 6 million European customers already trust DKV!
Exclusive benefits with DKV
- Once you have been insured with DKV for three years, the company will never cancel your policy.
- Indemnity for each day of hospitalisation not covered by DKV.
- Additional services at no extra charge: worldwide emergency healthcare during trips of up to 90 days, dental care, health club membership and international second opinion coverage.
- Additional services with deductible: laser eye surgery, breast reconstruction, family planning techniques, aesthetic medicine, psychology and geriatric care.
- Preventive medicine programmes: paediatric care, gynaecological cancer, coronary risk, oral health.
- Work-related and traffic accidents.
- 18,000 doctors and 1,000 clinics in the DKV healthcare network.
DKV Integral: I Like Being Taken Care Of
This health insurance policy guarantees top-quality healthcare and the personal treatment you expect when you visit a doctor or clinic.
Emergency treatment, primary care, specialists, complementary diagnostic resources, hospitalisation and surgery. Everything is covered, with no cost limits, by our team of participating doctors.
Additional services: laser refractive surgery, inclusive dental services, fertility and assisted reproduction services, and clinical psychology treatment (15 sessions per policyholder per year).
Special conditions for ESADE alumni
- No co-payment.
- Payment by instalments at no additional fee.
- No exclusion periods (except for childbirth) if you sign up for the insurance policy within 90 days of its introduction (after this period, the standard exclusion period shall apply).
- Any declared pre-existing conditions shall be excluded.
DKV Mundisalud Classic: If I Can Choose, I Feel Free
With this policy, you can visit any doctor's office or clinic in Spain or abroad, even if it is not included in our team of participating professionals. Expenses are reimbursed if you visit a non-participating doctor's office or clinic. This way, you are free to choose your care provider anywhere in the world. You can also visit any of our participating doctor's offices or clinics free of charge, with no co-pay.
Participating centres: 100% coverage
Non-participating centres: reimbursement of 90% abroad and 80% in Spain
- No co-payment.
- Payment by instalments at no additional fee.
- No exclusion periods (except for childbirth) if you sign up for the insurance policy within 90 days of its introduction (after this period, the standard exclusion period shall apply).
- Any declared pre-existing conditions shall be excluded.
Personal Doctor is a new medical experience with all the coverage provided by comprehensive health insurance and the trust that comes from keeping your own personal doctor whom you know and who knows you. You will always have a general practitioner by your side whom you can trust, who will treat you in a familiar, fully personalized way, and whom you can always count on whenever you need them, because you’ll always have them in your pocket.
Access your @alumni.esade.edu email account for life, identifying you as an Esade alumni. Access from anywhere.
Use Office 365 online at no cost. The license includes all the products of an A3 license within the Office 365 Education package, which includes the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, and OneNote, among other programs. Additionally, you have access to OneDrive to store your files in the cloud.
You can now enjoy exclusive discounts on ongoing training.
Discounts on Executive Masters and Executive MBA:
5% in Executive MBA (combinable with other discounts)
If you have studied a PMD or an Executive Master, consult special price.
10% in Executives Masters and their certifications:
- Executive Master in Economic-Finance Management
- Executive Master in Sales & Marketing Management
- Executive Master in Operations & Services Management
- Executive Master in Digital Business
- Executive Master in Business Analytics
If you want to receive more information, please contact us on: exedBCN@esade.edu or 93 280 40 08.
HP Shop
Discover the wide range of products HP is now making available in its exclusive shop for ESADE Alumni. Here every month you will find special offers on portables, table-top computers, printers, monitors, etc. with discounts up to 40% on the normal sale price
How can I take advantage of these offers?
On Internet
Go to the web page of the HP Shop and look for click here. In the centre of the opening page you will find an e-mail box. Here, please enter your e-mail address for alumni as a whole and click on the "log-in" button. If you cannot remember your e-mail address or you do not have one, please enter the following generic e-mail address usuario@alumni.esade.edu
By Telephone
To make a purchase you need only call 902 010 349 and then select the option "To buy products" (Option 2) and tell the salesperson that you are a member of Esade Alumni indicating the following reference:
Products on offer:
HP puts digital equipment at your fingertips: - Mobile phone data-processing:
iPAQs and GPS, Pavilion Portables and Tablets, Envy Portables, Compaq Portables, Ultra-portable Mini-notes, Professional portables, SAVINGS Packs
- PC's and Monitors:
Table-top PC's, TouchSmart PCs, Professional PCs, Work stations, SAVINGS Packs, Monitors
Enjoy special discounts on the entire SEAT and CUPRA range just for being a member of Esade Alumni.
As a new feature this year, you will no longer need to be registered with the MY SEAT CLUB platform to configure your vehicle. Now you can do this directly at any dealership in the official SEAT and CUPRA network by presenting your Esade Alumni membership documentation (write to esadealumni@esade.edu to request a certificate of membership).
More information:
Ready? Sign up and get these great discounts!
Just by being a member of Esade Alumni, you can enjoy special discounts on the entire SEAT and CUPRA range. It is not necessary to be registered on the MY SEAT CLUB platform to configure your vehicle; now you can do it directly at any of our official SEAT and CUPRA dealerships by presenting documentation that confirms you are a member of Esade Alumni (request your certification document at esadealumni@esade.edu).
Further information: 902 120 169
Esade Alumni and Occident have reached a collaboration agreement, through which all their members can benefit from personalized advice on taking out life insurance with an exclusive discount.
Free support service to help you with digital technologies. The service is provided remotely, is for personal use only, and is limited to one consultation per week. One data recovery per year is also included.
If you’re interested in more coverage or other services, check out the special conditions for members.
Click here to submit a request and a specialist will call you within one hour.
This offer cannot be combined with any other offer.
Subject to conditions of use.
Important: if you place your order using the supplier’s app, you will not receive a discount. Remember always to place your order through this exclusive offer.
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SOSMATIC customer service:
Tel: +(34) 933961020
email: hola@sosmatic.es
Subscription to Expansión
Now members of ESADE Alumni can take advantage of a 20% discount on subscriptions to Expansión + Marca + El Mundo along with all their supplements from the digital newspaper store Orbyt.
For one year you can read these three newspapers from anywhere using any device from only €19:99 a month, all without needing to go to the newspaper shop.
The real price of this joint offer is €24:99 per month, and if you wanted to buy these three titles separately the price would be €34:99. It's a bargain!
Discover everything Expansión has to offer on Orbyt
The possibility of reading our newspaper, supplements and magazines anywhere, from any terminal, without having to go to the newsagent's.
Value-added content, services and tools that will help you in your professional development:
- All our news and premium content: Orbyt exclusives, the most relevant sources (Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal and HoS) in Spanish, along with leading company reports: consulting firms, institutions...
- Company listings and market analysis: You'll get the opinions of our experts and discover the best tools to use with your professional terminal and online portfolio.
- Alerts and newsletters to suit every client: listings, news updates, real estate markets, etc.
- Put your stock market questions to our investment expert, José Antonio Hódar.
Special leisure time offers as a Premium Client: Orbyt users will have access to exclusive services such as live opera, movies, books, cinema/concert/theatre tickets etc.
The ESADE Alumni Bankinter VIrtual Office offers all of the bank's products and services, but with more special deals than a traditional bank office. Special prices are set for ESADE Alumni members, depending on their needs.
One of the main distinguishing features of the Virtual Office is that it shares part of its profits amongst customers. Bankinter gives 50% of the profits made by the Virtual Office to the customers of the office. These profits are shared out in proportion to the contribution each customer makes to the profits of the office.
Alejandro José Vázquez Agustí Director Banca Privada
Tel.: 934955241 / 669652163
Soidem Data Technologies, SL., established in Barcelona in October 2021, is recognized for its innovation in digital transformation. It combines specialized consulting and proprietary software development for various industrial sectors, including textiles, food, automotive, metallurgy, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals. The company leverages advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Augmented Reality (AR) to offer monitoring solutions that optimize operational efficiency and sustainability by integrating data from multiple sources and locations.
Among its achievements is a 38% reduction in water consumption in the textile industry and the successful implementation of software in primary care centers in Catalonia, improving data management and decision-making. Additionally, they have developed an OCR platform that automates order management in ERP systems, eliminating manual processes. As a Splunk partner, a leader in SIEM, Soidem has invested in R&D to develop proprietary technologies that optimize processes and reduce their clients' carbon footprint.
Soidem’s value proposition focuses on helping its clients make strategic decisions through customized visualizations and the unification of diverse information sources into a single environment. This enables real-time processing and the generation of automatic reports without requiring extensive licenses or invasions. The company stands out for its flexibility, commitment, and speed, offering tailored technological solutions to meet the specific needs of each client and acting as a strategic partner in their digitalization journey.
WellBay is a marketplace designed for young professionals, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, to explore how various holistic practices can address their specific challenges or growth goals. Starting with the problem or aspiration you have, WellBay helps you discover different holistic approaches and then connects you with the right professional to meet your needs. Once you've found the therapist that suits you, you can book sessions that can take place either in person or in a hybrid format, ensuring flexible and personalized support on your path to growth and well-being.
The Migra Studium Foundation is a social center promoted by the Society of Jesus in Catalonia. We work for the dignity and rights of the most vulnerable migrants and their children. We do this through reception, training and political advocacy. Based on values such as dialogue, justice and solidarity, we work to build a society that is more integrated in its intercultural and religious aspects.
We are looking for a technician who, as part of the Hospitality project team, will carry out tasks of accompaniment and monitoring of the residential spaces and support the Hospitality project
Job Description ▪ Management and support of the residential devices of the Hospitality Network. ▪ Preparation of the work plan and monitoring of the people welcomed. ▪ Monitoring and supervision of coexistence and conflict resolution. ▪ Promote the autonomy and participation of the people welcomed. ▪ Coordination of volunteering linked to residential devices. ▪ Economic management of the project. ▪ Drafting of projects and reports of activities for grants and others. ▪ Host and provide information related to Migra Studium projects and services. ▪ Weekly coordination with the hospitality and reception team. ▪ Actively participate in training activities and work meetings proposed by the entity's management, as well as in network actions in which we participate. ▪ Participate in awareness actions proposed by the entity (talks, meetings, etc.)
Requirements ▪ Degree in Social Work or Social Education (people with other degrees in social sciences and/or with extensive experience accompanying migrant people will also be considered). ▪ Identification and commitment to the mission and values of the Migra Studium foundation. ▪ Socio-educational competence in working with migrant people. ▪ Knowledge of social resources and services in the city of Barcelona. ▪ Skill in interpersonal relationships. ▪ Ability to work as a team. ▪ Availability and time flexibility. ▪ Experience in management tasks and collaboration in social entities ▪ Mastery of computer tools and knowledge of CRM.
Conditions ▪ Incorporation: September 2, 2024 ▪ 30-hour day at a time to be agreed (availability one/two nights a week and exceptional specific activities on weekends) ▪ Salary according to Social Action Agreement.
Interested persons send their CV to mc.delafuente@migrastudium.org indicating “Hospitality Offer” before August 12
Descripción: The Portolà Foundation is currently in the process of renewing its board and is interested in seeking alumni who are committed to the third sector and would like to join its governing body.